FairWinder: Michał Jabłoński

Starting as a Wind Turbine Technician seven years ago, Michał is an example of how personal and professional development is possible at FairWind. He climbed the ladder in onshore Installation, finally ending up in FairWind’s back office last year as an Installation & Travel Manager.
Now he has taken on the role of heading five departments as Head of Warehouse and Logistics:
Warehouse, Fleet, Travel, Administration, and Procurement
What was it like to make the jump from working on-site for five years to joining the office?
It gave me the opportunity to develop new competencies by seeing operations from the other side.
When you are on a project, you are just fulfilling a plan that had already been settled-on earlier. But as an Installation Manager, I could take an active role in planning the project and negotiating with clients to ensure FairWind got the job.
What was managing the Travel department like?
That seems like something completely different from your previous roles.
In such cases it’s important not to be afraid of doing something new, especially taking on new responsibilities and challenges.
We had to negotiate with 10 of the biggest airline companies to secure rates in order to implement a new travel system – and we succeeded.
It made us proud to hear from other FairWinders, that they felt safer and more confident with our travel system than with any other they had been in contact with.
Now my goal in the Warehouse is to implement as lean and automated a management system as possible, on the largest scale possible, similar to what we did in Travel.
Looking back, what is your view of FairWind and your career path here?
Being able to advance gives me constant motivation to work, because there is always something new and challenging on the horizon – every day, every month, and year I am here. Even after seven years at FairWind, I still find myself in a rapidly changing environment.
There is nothing more exciting than being in such a fast growing, and changing, company.